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Lade Veranstaltungen

Creating reports in DeltaMaster

22. März 2018, 15:0015:30 Uhr, Webinar

DeltaMaster is a drag-and-drop product: all important steps to use and create reports function with easy and intuitive movements of the mouse. Even inexperienced users can generate reports and ad-hoc analyses in a very short time. The most important report format in DeltaMaster are Graphical Tables – and the most important tool the Magic Buttons: they allow the user to create reasonable, meaningful and well-designed reports with a few clicks. The buttons are magic as they automatically adapt to a given data situation and answer the most important business questions about performance review, variance analysis and forecasting – almost on their own.

In this webinar, we demonstrate how report editors work with DeltaMaster when creating new reports for controlling or business departments in their organization.

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