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Bissantz & Company GmbH

Responsible for content

Bissantz & Company GmbH
Nordring 98
90409 Nuremberg
Phone: +49 911 935536-0
Fax: +49 911 935536-10

Commercial Register

Registration Office: Municipal Court Nuremberg
Register number: HRB 15590

Managing Directors

Dr. Nicolas Bissantz, Michael Westphal

Sales tax identification number according to § 27 a Sales Tax Act


Responsible for content

Dr. Nicolas Bissantz
(address as above)

Copyright and picture credits

The contents of are – unless otherwise stated – protected by copyright.
Photographs used are marked with picture credits where applicable or listed below, unless they were taken by the author.
The use of photographs on third-party sites is only possible within the framework of the respective license of the copyright holder.

We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute settlement procedures before a consumer arbitration board.

General Terms and Conditions of Business

General Terms and Conditions of Contract for Events

Privacy Policy

DeltaMaster, DeltaApp, Sparkfonts, Sparkticker, Sparknumbers, Bissantz’Numbers and other Bissantz products and services and their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Bissantz. Bissantz’Numbers are protected by European design and patent applications. They and all texts, photos and graphic designs used on this website may also be protected by copyright. Should you wish to use these or parts thereof, this is only possible with the permission of the respective owner of the industrial property right. If necessary, please contact the site operator. If necessary, he will then establish contact with the owner of the industrial property right or the person entitled to use it.