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We take care of your entire reporting so that you can concentrate on your business.

  • complete package – from data integration to visualization

  • setup and operation with the latest cloud technology

  • cloud-based reporting on the web or mobile on your smartphone

  • ready-to-use without any own power users or BI specialists

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Full-service analytics platform.

More than software-as-a-service: analysis and reporting in a complete package.

As a full-service provider, we set up the com­plete analysis envi­ron­ment for your company and operate it with cost-conscious dimen­sioning and confi­gu­ration. This includes inter­faces to your data­bases and the hosting on a cloud service as well as the setup and main­te­nance of your analysis and reporting environ­ment in the DeltaApp – mobile and on the web. Depen­ding on the type and scope of your require­ments, we can arrange a customized billing model.

The Bissantz DeltaApp techno­logy meets your reporting and data analysis needs faster than ever before. You don’t need BI specialists to access and under­stand your data thanks to the well-thought-out design of our reports and dash­boards. Using our full-service package, you don’t have to create any of these reports yourself: Bissantz takes over the func­tions of a power user for you, so that you can concen­trate on your core business.

Market leaders and hidden champions trust us.

Setup and operation.

We integrate your data in a cloud compu­ting plat­form such as Microsoft Azure, which is flexibly scalable and adapts to your respective perfor­mance require­ments in a cost-conscious manner. As a full-service provider, we also take care of the entire hosting and ongoing operation, including moni­toring and updates.

Reporting and dashboards.

Our consulting team knows the BI business inside out and supports you with all its experience – also in technical and project-specific matters. Our full-service package includes the set-up of reports and dash­boards according to business standards (e. g. Bissantz’Numbers and sparklines) while taking your individual requirements into account.

Analytics interface.

You get complete access to your data via the DeltaApp: Our front-end soft­ware for smart­phone and web has an intuitive user inter­face for reports and analyses that has won the UX Design Award. Our data visuali­zation prin­ciples show you quickly and clearly where action needs to be taken.

Excellent support.

Our hotline does not lead you to a call center, but directly to us.

How can we help you?

Get in touch with us for more information.

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