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Bissantz automates operational business processes with individual applications based on proven software components.

  • new operational applications with data input

  • automation of business workflows

  • uniform software for project-specific structures and processes

  • professional user management

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Ingeniously simple – simply ingenious.

Bissantz applications offer a wide range of options for simplifying processes and workflows.

Bissantz solutions are known as popular appli­cations for planning, analysis and reporting. In addition, our soft­ware can be used as a uni­versal inter­face for individual operational appli­cations to auto­mate data-supported processes in your company. These appli­cations support stand­ardized processes that were previously performed manually, through auto­matic email noti­fications and other time- or event-driven actions. Data entry is decen­tralized and data storage can be centralized.

They can be used as in-house develop­ments in addition to and even instead of specialized standard soft­ware, as an intuitive user inter­face for individual soft­ware or to replace cumber­some data collections in Excel or Access files. The appli­cations offer a wide range of options for moni­toring conditions and data entry formats as well as plau­sibility checks and they work via both the Windows and web client. The entered data is also avai­lable for all Bissantz analysis and reporting functions, including mobile reporting in the DeltaApp.

Market leaders and hidden champions trust us.

Data entry and maintenance.

Data entry and maintenance.

Not all data­bases and pre-systems provide complete infor­mation. With an operative data entry appli­cation in DeltaMaster, e.g. for master data main­tenance, you can close these infor­mation gaps. For example, you can add and flexibly change distri­bution keys or assign­ments, groupings and categorizations.

Control of internal workflows.

Control of internal workflows.

Many standardized processes in the company can be easily auto­mated. Thanks to the appli­cations in Bissantz, you don’t need any special soft­ware for this. DeltaMaster can be used e.g. to control approval and release processes in purchasing or human resources or to create internal ticket systems for IT.

Knowledge and project management.

Knowledge and project management.

You can effectively prepare and imple­ment complex work­flows and internal projects with the help of appli­cations for project planning and manage­ment. At the same time, DeltaMaster supports communi­cation and know­ledge exchange as an opera­tional tool, for example through appli­cations for CIP pro­grams, the company sugges­tion scheme, for change requests or reference databases.

How can we help you?

Get in touch with us for more information.

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