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Bissantz software has all the components needed to carry out planning efficiently and conveniently – for all functions and areas.

  • control of the complete planning workflow

  • integrated business planning

  • real-time evaluations in plan-actual or plan-plan comparisons

  • multi-level commenting

  • input check

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Don't leave success to chance.

Individual planning for all functions and areas – fast and reliable due to standards and automation.

We cannot predict the future – but those who do not plan leave it to chance or com­petition. Plans provide orien­tation for our own actions, they set bench­marks and often enough we need them to obtain budgets or inves­tors. Con­crete planning, aligned with the company’s goals and strategy, signi­ficantly contributes to success.

This is why many com­panies rely on DeltaMaster for their opera­tional and stra­tegic planning – some after having already become familiar with the soft­ware in reporting and analysis, while for others plan­ning is the first priority. Bissantz supports them with an autho­rization concept, designs for their plan­ning work­flow and data input, among other things.

Planning solutions with DeltaMaster are based on a customer- or application-specific data model that we develop together with our customers. Methods such as bottom-up, top-down, counter-current process or sce­nario planning can be used flexibly. The process model, the model­ling approach and the tool are stand­ardized. The resulting solution is cust­omized – precisely adapted to your requirements.

Depending on the task at hand, plan values are stored and made available in a multi­dimen­sional, relational or hybrid, centra­lized or decen­tralized, online or offline format. Thus, these plan values are imme­diately available for fore­casts, simu­lations and what-if scenarios, also with the inte­gration of actual values. This enables immediate feedback on the business conse­quences of planning. The planning status of various specialist depart­ments can be dis­played in a dash­board.