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Data integration.

Bissantz offers AI-based solutions for the automation of ETL processes and ensures rapid connection of various data sources.

  • seamless integration of diverse data sources and formats

  • clean data through systematic data profiling

  • collection and harmonization in a data warehouse or data lake

  • high performance for fast queries

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Business intelligence from a modular system.

The automated and standardized way to a fully modeled application.

DeltaMaster ETL is the tool our experts at Bissantz use to excel in all their projects by deve­loping indi­vidual solu­tions from stand­ardized modules in an auto­mated manner in the shortest possible time. With DeltaMaster ETL, we have cap­tured 25 years of expe­rience with business intelli­gence projects in our soft­ware. It allows you to load, trans­form, organize and refine your company data at the highest quality. Pre-systems and external infor­mation from all common data sources are seam­lessly inte­grated and then auto­matically incor­porated into finished data models. You can benefit from a fully auto­mated best-practice approach for BI projects, with intelli­gent loading processes and access to OLAP data­bases on demand, with numerous com­po­nents for setting up complex planning systems and auto­matic error and performance analyses.

Other features include versioning of model confi­gu­rations, data profiling/­table profiling of source data tables, inte­grated process and quality moni­toring, data vali­dation, logging and moni­toring as well as an inte­grated tool­box for recurring SQL deve­lop­ment work. In addition, auto­matic docu­men­tation and histo­ri­zation ensure that infor­mation remains available.

Bissantz manages global planning sys­tems and supports local self-service – or handles the entire process for your company, depen­ding on your require­ments. We are also happy to review your existing data­bases and integration solutions.

Market leaders and hidden champions trust us.

Business management know-how.

Bissantz bridges the gap between IT and business admi­ni­stration. Our consul­ting team speaks the language of business profes­sionals as well as of data­bases and has the business under­standing to digitally capture indi­vi­dual business processes with standardized tools.

Technical expertise.

We take care of the techni­cal setup so that you can concen­trate on your data. In doing so, we use the latest tech­nolo­gies – both on-premises and in the cloud – and invest in continuous training for our team.

Project experience.

Over 25 years of experi­ence with business intelli­gence projects ensure profes­sional project mana­gement – reliable, cost-effective, on schedule and high-quality. As a general contractor, Bissantz reliably leads data inte­gration projects with multiple stake­holders to project success.

How can we help you?

Get in touch with us for more information.

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