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Data visualization.

Bissantz software visualizes data clearly and unambiguously. Deviations and trends become immediately apparent.

  • uncluttered visualization with clear two-color logic

  • intelligent dashboards for an immediate overview

  • visual design standards for uniform reporting

  • intuitive handling and visualization for mobile dashboards on smartphones

  • winner of the UX Design Award

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Simple, visual principles.

Making business data clear and understandable.

Data visualization (DataViz) within com­panies is highly deman­ding when it comes to clarity and compre­hen­sibility. When data is visu­alized, graphical code is created. Readers and recipients of data visuali­zations are typically in a hurry. This results in higher expec­ta­tions for the subse­quent error-free decoding. In companies, incorrect conclu­sions and misinter­pre­tations are asso­ciated with costs and risks for the organization.­

For business data to be recorded and evaluated correctly, a few consis­tently used visuals and the right color scheme are sufficient. Bissantz soft­ware auto­mates the often tricky issues of report design and ensures integrity, consistency and clarity.

Market leaders and hidden champions trust us.

Two colors: <br>red and blue.

Two colors:
red and blue.

The two-color logic of Bissantz pro­vides clear signals for action and makes key figures intuitively under­stand­able. A yellow “maybe” is not only unnecessary in a business context, but also counter­pro­ductive. In fact, the lemon-colored warning signal often has the exact opposite effect of what it is inten­ded to achieve, namely inac­tivity or even indiff­erence. Red and blue, however, already carry an important meaning in them­selves. They show what you can be pleased about (blue) and what requires attention (red) – differen­tiated based on data and sorted with color inten­sities that intuitively guide the eye. Colorful can’t do that.

No diagrams.

No diagrams.

Instead of diagrams, we use typo­graph­ically scaled numbers – Bissantz’Numbers. They draw the attention to the most impor­tant values. To those that need to be reflected upon and from which deci­sions are derived. These “numero­grams” are as simple as they are effective: the larger the value, the larger the number. This directs the eye and conveys what the numbers have to say without any dis­trac­tion. Bissantz’Numbers are protected by European design and patent registrations.

Graphical tables.

Graphical tables.

In DeltaMaster, graphical tables are the most important report format – pivot tables whose nume­rical values have been comple­mented by Bissantz’Numbers, bars, columns, circles or sparklines. Graphical tables com­bine the neat­ness of a table with the attrac­tive­ness of a graphic. Tables are com­pact and data-dense, easy to grasp and read. Graphics attract and direct the eye and convey an intu­itive impression of the value distri­bution and patterns. There­fore, in graphical tables the graphics are for guiding, the figures for thin­king. The cells adapt to the graphic ele­ments and the labeling stays where it belongs.

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