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The service and spare parts business of Daimler AG is managed with DeltaMaster from Bissantz. This requires a large amount of information to be bundled and analyzed.

  • fast implementation

  • drastic reduction in the number of reports

  • reporting and KPI standards with uniform notation

  • role-based user and functional concept

  • business data mining, correlation analyses

  • ad hoc analyses, cross-market potential

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Bissantz Case Study Daimler

The challenge of information diversity.

Managing the spare parts business of Daimler AG with Bissantz

When it comes to managing the after­sales business at Daimler, the company is interested in sales trends as well as the deve­lop­ment of individual customer groups, the level of warranty coverage or current instal­lation rates. The produc­tion requirements for the current series must be deter­mined on the basis of parts lists and planned for the follo­wing year. Additi­onally, there are case-by-case and regular evalu­ations from external and internal data sources. Bundling this large amount of infor­mation is by no means trivial.

The require­ments for the business intelli­gence solution were corres­pon­dingly high, with the first goal being the creation of trans­pa­rency. This meant improving data access and data inte­gra­tion, making existing reports and analysis approa­ches clear and compre­hen­sible as well as develo­ping new target reports and standar­dized analysis methods. Star-Cooperation from Stuttgart, a specialist in pricing strategies and business intelli­gence in aftersales, took on this task. The most impor­tant task, however, was to derive specific objectives and sales push measures from the reports.

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