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Dr. Wolff Group.

Together with Bissantz, the Dr. Wolff Group has imple­mented standar­dized, auto­mated reporting on a central data­base for both main companies.

  • connection and standardization of two companies’ reports

  • reports from controlling as a „single source of truth“ for the specialist departments throughout the entire company

  • internal early warning system informs about irregularities

  • turnover and sales figures with the DeltaApp as a mobile information system for management

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Bissantz Case Study Dr. Wolff

Standardizing separate reporting systems.

Efficient controlling for all specialist departments at the Dr. Wolff Group.

#Wearedifferent – says the Dr. Wolff Group about itself. And this „being different“ is something the manu­fac­turer of pharma­ceu­tical and cosmetic products does very successfully.

What is different about the „Gauls from East West­phalia“ – as they call themselves – is not just the product strategy of deve­loping medical and cosmetic solutions for taboo topics such as hair loss, neuro­derma­titis, vaginal dry­ness and caries. The organi­za­tional structure is also different. „As a family business, the Dr. Wolff Group is charac­te­rized by flat hierar­chies, fast decision-making and, accordingly, many people with a lot of respon­si­bility,“ says Lars Generotzky, Head of Controlling at the Dr. Wolff Group.

„My aim as Head of Controlling is to provide all report recipi­ents with the manage­ment infor­mation they need in an acces­sible form – as efficiently and quickly as possible.“

In the past, the Head of Controlling was only able to meet this stan­dard to a limited extent: The reporting system was based on Excel. A recipient-oriented frequency of data provi­sion was also not possible. The two main companies of the Dr. Wolff Group, Dr. Kurt Wolff (cos­metics divi­sion) and Dr. August Wolff (pharma­ceutical division), had previ­ously prepared different reports for the same recip­ients. As a result, the recip­ients had to famil­iarize them­selves with two different reporting worlds.

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