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Interview with Bürkert

“Limitless opportunities of analyzing.”

Michael Jungmann, Bürkert Fluid Control Systems

Why Business Intelligence?

Many isolated solutions have emerged in the reporting system over time, which partly contained the same KPIs, but still showed different values. As a result, there were long discussions about the differences in the numbers, which were presumed to be the same, instead of analyzing the deviations or adopt measures regarding the deviations.


Why Bissantz?

With the help of a service provider, we were looking for a standard tool for Business Intelligence. We evaluated many tools and, eventually, a standard tool for Business Intelligence. Finally, we started a “proof of concept” with three Business-Intelligence-providers. Some of them worked on their concept the whole week, just to show in the concluding presentation only half of the requirements that were demanded. Bissantz acted very different. Within only a period of three days two employees of Bissantz didn’t just meet our expectations, partly they even outperformed them! They showed impressively that they quickly understand their customers’ needs, concerning reporting and analysis, and that they are capable to adapt their tool DeltaMaster.

Why DeltaMaster?
(Missing in the video)

As a “power user”, I like high flexibility the most. With an appropriate level of authorization, you can quickly create informative reports and analyzes with little effort and navigate within them. Of course, this is part of a certain basic understanding of the data model and in reporting construction, but someone who has a basic training of a Pivot Tables in Excel will do well.

How did it start?

I am now working actively with DeltaMaster for about six years. When you count the selection and introduction phase for DeltaMaster as well it is almost a time period of eight years. We have used DeltaMaster from the beginning in the whole company. The focus is sales planning, sales reporting a special pricing reporting, financial reporting and procurement reporting.

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