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What's new in DeltaMaster


released on October 11th 2024

DeltaMaster 6.6.0 brings improvements for both the business applications and for system operation. If you select multiple cells or cell ranges in a Graphical Table, DeltaMaster now automatically calculates their sum, count, average and other statistical values and displays them in the status bar. You can copy them to the clipboard with a mouse click – important for planning. We have adapted the Bissantz’Numbers in Graphical Tables slightly but effectively, based on the design of the DeltaApp: Only the digits are scaled typographically. This makes them even more prominent and the overall appearance lighter. There is now a Semantic Zoom in the time series analysis, similar to sparklines: You can use the mouse wheel to zoom in, work your way towards sections that deserve more attention and create space where points or lines cluster or overlap. Applications in an enterprise environment benefit from new options for authentication against the Active Directory (Entra ID) and for parallel use of a database by several service instances.

All features in detail
  • General: allowing parallel operation of multiple DeltaMaster Service instances accessing the same database
  • Graphical Table: display of Bissantz’Numbers refined (only digits scaled typographically)
  • Graphical Table: displaying link target in separate window in the web client
  • Graphical Table: displaying and copying statistical values for selected cells or cell ranges in the status bar (e.g. sum, count, average)
  • Microsoft Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics: authenticating via Active Directory (Entra ID) Service Principal
  • Mobile Report: export accelerated
  • Modeling: automatically renaming references to renamed code blocks, marking deleted code blocks with a comment
  • Setup: displaying reminder to execute SQL script for repository
  • Time Series Analysis: zooming into time series display (Semantic Zoom, Ctrl+mouse wheel)
  • Time Series Analysis: maintaining aspect ratio of diagram when resizing (Ctrl key)


released on August 16th 2024

When installing DeltaMaster 6.5.9, you can also install the new Bissantz Analytics Kit for Power BI and Analysis Services. In Graphical Tables, Bissantz’Numbers can be activated in presentation mode and applied temporarily with a mouse click. This allows you to give impressive presentations and makes it easier to understand the figures. With regard to planning, we have improved the merging of cells with row or column headers: This makes it possible to break down a product turnover into the sales quantity and the price, for example, even with nested axes. When modeling SQL applications, a new filter option improves the overview of tables and their fields. We have already presented these functions in the “Bissantz Spotlight” webinar. There are also technical improvements, such as support for IDS mode in the extension menu or to speed up queries in MDX planning applications.

All features in detail
  • Graphical Table: displaying Bissantz’Numbers temporarily in presentation mode using mouse pointer or mouse click on headings (Report menu)
  • Graphical Table: assigning user-defined filter mapping to linked report in the web client
  • Graphical Table: executing selective drill-down in inner hierarchy using mouse click (instead of Ctrl+mouse click, as before)
  • Graphical Table: merging row/column members for each member in outer hierarchy (Table Properties/General)
  • Microsoft Power BI: optionally installing Bissantz Analytics Kit for Power BI and Analysis Services along with DeltaMaster
  • Modeling: filtering Structure view – displaying tables with all fields, only with used fields, or without fields
  • Planning: using IDS mode for extension menu in the web client
  • Planning (MDX): accelerating report using “_DM_MDX_NO_TUPLES” query hint (Report Properties/Advanced)
  • Modeling (DAX): creating measure groups and perspectives for measure groups automatically
  • Time Series Analysis: highlighting series using mouse click on labels in the legend (Ctrl+mouse click for multiple selection)


released on June 21st 2024

DeltaMaster 6.5.8 brings further improvements for working with tabular models and in particular with Microsoft Power BI. For example, Power BI can now be connected at the touch of a button: DeltaMaster can access running applications in Power BI Desktop and can even be run from there as an external tool. The total value as a separating criterion for top and bottom, as known from PowerSearch and the Ranking module, is now also available in the navigation and the ranking in Graphical Tables. This is particularly useful when analyzing percentages, such as shares or relative variances. Multilingual applications benefit from the fact that additional labeling elements can now be maintained in alias sets. Changes to the repository are relevant for IT.

All features in detail
  • Graphical Table: maintaining labels from column/row editor in multiple languages via alias set (Modeling)
  • Graphical Table: maintaining text of links in multiple languages via alias set (Modeling)
  • Graphical Table: defining split criterion for top/bottom in ranking and navigation
  • Graphical Table (relational): executing database command via link
  • Microsoft Power BI: registering DeltaMaster as an external tool in Power BI Desktop during installation
  • Microsoft Power BI: access to tabular model of a PBIX file opened in Power BI Desktop
  • Modeling: using code blocks in MDX, DAX, and SQL expressions
  • Modeling: new user-defined expressions available for time analysis members – HalfYear, HalfYears, HalfYearToDate
  • Modeling (DAX): creating measure groups and perspectives for measure groups automatically
  • Modeling (DAX): using attribute hierarchies
  • Modeling (DAX): creating dimension groups automatically
  • Modeling (DAX): making time dimension members distinct automatically
  • Planning: displaying extension menu parameters and descriptions vertically in the Windows client
  • Repository: database roles redefined
  • Repository: allowing reconnect for Windows client
  • Repository: use service-based lock management in hybrid mode
  • SQL Drill-Through: sorting in web client (click on column header)
  • SQL Drill-Through: maintaining text of links in multiple languages via alias set (Modeling)

Note: When using the repository in version 6.5.8, all Windows clients must also be run in this version, see release notes. Windows client and DeltaMaster Service must always be run in the same version.


released on April 12th 2024

DeltaMaster 6.5.7 provides three new methods for advanced analyses: Movement Analysis, Dynamic Portfolio Analysis, and the Trumpet Curve. All three enable visual analyses of developments over time, the Trumpet Curve even looks into the future – another way of “visual forecasting”. The development of applications based on tabular models, for example in Power BI, has become a little easier again. And with new options, the presentation of time series analyses can be improved.

All features in detail
  • Movement Analysis: available as new analysis method
  • Dynamic Portfolio Analysis: available as new analysis method
  • Help: switched to web-based online help (Bissantz Help Center), PDF help system removed
  • Mobile Report: optionally exporting only non-cumulated values for period change
  • Modeling (DAX): using user-defined expressions for time analysis members in calculated members directly
  • Modeling (DAX): creating calculated members like Calculation Items
  • Trumpet Curve: available as new analysis method
  • Time Series Analysis: defining appearance of series and arrangement on right y-axis (Properties)
  • Time Series Analysis: defining order of measures in the legend (Properties)
  • Time Series Analysis: displaying average of angles

released on February 16th 2024

DeltaMaster 6.5.6 brings a number of improvements to analysis, planning, and reporting, including: Linked reports can be filtered more flexibly than before and they can be opened in a separate window so that they are easier to compare with the original report. In applications based on Microsoft Power BI, DeltaMaster can now also work with the unnamed measures that Power BI automatically creates when aggregating numerical columns. Mobile reports can be provided in multiple languages for the DeltaApp.
There are also technical changes: DeltaMaster logging can be forwarded to the IT monitoring software Splunk. Remote support is being switched from GoToAssist to TeamViewer.

All features in detail
  • General: sending logs to Splunk
  • General: remote support switched from GoToAssist to TeamViewer
  • Graphical Table: recalculating current report after executing database command or action via link
  • Graphical Table: assigning user-defined filter mapping to linked report
  • Graphical Table: executing drill-down for selected measure in measure hierarchy (Ctrl+mouse click)
  • Graphical Table: displaying link target in separate window
  • Microsoft Power BI: using implicit measures
  • Mobile Report: exporting in new database format 3.0.0 (for DeltaApp version 1.25 and higher)
  • Mobile Report: exporting multiple languages and alias sets for DeltaApp
  • Planning: adding descriptions for extension menu parameters
  • SQL Drill-Through: recalculating current report after executing database command or action via link
  • SQL Drill-Through: displaying link target in separate window
  • Web Client: configuring poll interval of folder tiles
  • Time Series Analysis: using member property for labeling x-axis defined as named set

Notice: Windows client and DeltaMaster Service must be run in the same version.

released on January 22nd 2024

Version 6.5.5 is a big step towards the cloud: DeltaMaster now also speaks DAX! Microsoft has developed the Data Analysis Expressions specifically for the so-called tabular models that are behind Microsoft’s popular cloud databases – above all Power BI. Alongside MDX and SQL, DAX is the third query language that DeltaMaster uses to access databases via a standardized interface. Other new features include: It is now possible to provide measures for the DeltaApp that are not aggregated as a sum, but as a distinct count or an average, for example. In planning, users can paste a copied value into multiple cells at once. And the popular web-based online help is now also available via the web client.

All features in detail
  • General: DeltaMaster Service based on Web API only (WCF removed)
  • Help: launching web-based online help from web client
  • Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services, Azure Analysis Services, Power BI: DAX as query language for tabular models
  • Mobile Report: exporting measures with aggregation type Count, Minimum, Maximum, Average, and Distinct Count
  • Planning: pasting value from clipboard into multiple selected cells of Graphical Table
  • Planning (OLAP): reading and writing cell comments for role-playing dimensions
  • Publishing: synchronizing report source with subscribed master application

Notice: Windows client and DeltaMaster Service must be run in the same version.

released on October 20th 2023

With a new default configuration for Windows security, DeltaMaster 6.5.4 makes it easier to operate in distributed environments where Windows clients, web client and repository run on different systems. Links in Graphical Tables and in SQL Drill-Through can now also refer to the so-called action menu. This allows application-specific procedures to be called with parameters – particularly useful in planning applications.

All features in detail
  • General: Windows security in distributed environments simplified, using service access key or passkey instead of Kerberos
  • Graphical Table: defining links with action from action menu as target
  • SQL Drill-Through: defining links with action from action menu as target
  • SQL Drill-Through: using virtual time dimension in data drill-through based on a stored procedure
  • Access to Infor EPM (BI) 12

Notice: Windows client and DeltaMaster Service must be run in the same version.

released on September 25th 2023

DeltaMaster 6.5.3 makes it even easier to organize report distribution: With a new maintenance application, publisher jobs can be managed conveniently – using DeltaMaster itself. The clear access to the jobs with their numerous settings and the familiar functions such as filter, search, sorting and links make it easier to handle even a large number of jobs. In the time series analysis, the X-axis can now be defined dynamically. This allows for controlling the displayed time interval by selecting the current period.

All features in detail
  • General: executing database queries via DeltaMaster Service instead of Windows client
  • Licensing: using license codes according to July 2023 license model
  • Publishing: storing FTP password encrypted and referencing it in address using variable (@PWD)
  • Publishing: maintaining Publisher jobs in DeltaMaster using maintenance application (Publisher Maintenance Application.das)
  • Time Series Analysis: defining x-axis dynamically using named set

Notice: Windows client and DeltaMaster Service must be run in the same version.

released on September 18th 2023

DeltaMaster 6.5.2 extends the architecture of the Windows client: Database queries can now also be executed via the DeltaMaster service (three-tier architecture), as has already been the case with the web client. Further improvements include: A help page can be stored for each report in order to offer users, for example, manuals, further information or even an external web application. Viewing ratios of higher-level members has become easier: Ratios are automatically displayed in the status bar. A new, interactive scaling variant for bars in graphical tables helps to focus the comparison on members of a certain level.

All features in detail
  • General: executing database queries via DeltaMaster Service instead of Windows client
  • General: adding help page to report
  • Browsing: optionally disabling Browse function in application
  • Geo Analysis: using finer zoom levels
  • Graphical Table: displaying share of parent members in status bar
  • Graphical Table: scaling bars locally
  • Graphical Table: disabling link and navigation context menu temporarily using Ctrl+M keyboard shortcut
  • Graphical Table (relational): inheriting member property filter on drill-down in parent-child hierarchies
  • Modeling (relational): adding SQL queries without selecting tables beforehand

released on July 28th 2023

DeltaMaster 6.5.1 brings functional and technical improvements, among others: Modeling a dimension that aggregates key figures or accounts, for example in a profit and loss statement (P&L), has become even more flexible. Data entry via SQL drill-through is now also possible in OLAP applications with an attached relational model, for example, for control tables in planning applications. A new variant for searching and filtering dimension members speeds up the use of large dimensions in Microsoft Analysis Services. With Amazon Athena and SAP ABAP SQL Service, two additional relational data sources are supported. And a new authentication method is available for using the Bissantz Service in conjunction with Publisher.

All features in detail
  • Export: referencing user name in templates using variables (@username, @domainuser)
  • Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services: searching for member key or name accelerated
  • Modeling (relational): defining factor and sign in level-based hierarchies
  • Planning (relational): using hybrid procedures for writeback
  • Publishing: authenticating to Bissantz Service using Personal Access Token (PAT)
  • SQL Drill-Through: enabling data input and writeback in OLAP applications with attached relational model
  • SQL Drill-Through: creating reports configured by Application Designer automatically
  • Setup: installing DeltaMaster optionally without GoToAssist
  • Access to Amazon Athena using ODBC driver
  • Access to SAP ABAP SQL Service using ODBC driver

released on February 20th 2023

DeltaMaster 6.4.9 and 6.5.0 mark a technical milestone: Communication between clients and services has been switched to Web API. This improves the security of web-based DeltaMaster applications and facilitates their use in distributed environments. Functionally, the two versions are identical. Among other things, they bring improvements in the presentation of typical financial reports, in planning and in relational applications.

All features in detail
  • General: repository access switched to ASP.NET Web API (Windows client, Office add-ins)
  • all features from DeltaMaster 6.4.9

Notice: DeltaMaster 6.4.9 and 6.5.0 are functionally identical, the differences are technical. DeltaMaster 6.4.9 communicates via WCF, DeltaMaster 6.5.0 via Web API.
Clients and services must use the same technology. Please refer to the notes on the changeover in the Release Notes (online help).

released on February 17th 2023

released on December 9th 2022

Improvements in DeltaMaster 6.4.7 include functions for the display and interactive use of typical financial reports, such as BWA (“Betriebswirtschaftliche Auswertung”, a standard financial statement widely used in German speaking countries).

All features in detail
  • General: deactivating generation of log and trace files using Registry keys
  • General: using Microsoft Edge (WebView2) instead of Internet Explorer as rendering component (URL View, extension menu)
  • Report List: displaying long report list title in tool tip
  • Graphical Table: using calculation scheme to determine indentation in inverted parent-child hierarchies
  • Help: opening language-specific web-based online help
  • SQL Drill-Through: resolving time analysis member to report filter when accessed via link

Notice: The next DeltaMaster version will be provided as a dual release – the next stage of the changeover to ASP.NET Web API, as explained in DeltaMaster Feature Notes 6.4.2.

released on October 19th 2022

DeltaMaster 6.4.6 allows for attaching the relational model in the cloud (Microsoft Azure Analysis Services, Power BI) and for tabular models of Analysis Services. This enables hybrid applications that link OLAP structures with the relational database, for example, to access document data via SQL drill-through. For time series analyses, a new, automatically generated representation is available that combines an attractive appearance with the flexibility, dynamics and robustness of graphical tables.

All features in detail
  • Report List: editing title of report list
  • Graphical Table: automatically formatting and labelling time series on column axis (Magic Button “Graphic/Auto”)
  • Graphical Table (relational): inverting hierarchy
  • Microsoft Azure Analysis Services: attaching relational model
  • Microsoft Power BI: attaching relational model
  • Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services: attaching relational model for tabular models
  • Modeling: defining factor for calculated members
  • Modeling (relational): adhering to factor and sign of members in aggregations in parent-child dimension
  • SQL Drill-Through: displaying unrelated dimensions in report filter in gray (Edit mode)

released on August 19th 2022

DeltaMaster 6.4.5 once again improves and accelerates planning. For the DeltaApp, time series can now also be provided for deviations and cumulations. A new option for number formatting enables particularly compact graphical tables.

All features in detail
  • Graphical Table: displaying numbers in uniform compact format, in thousands, millions, or billions
  • Mobile Report: exporting member properties
  • Mobile Report: exporting sparklines for comparisons and cumulations
  • Planning: using fast input (for blockwise inserting data, e.g. from Microsoft Excel)
  • Planning (relational): allowing data input in report depending on SQL condition

released on June 24th 2022

One focus of DeltaMaster 6.4.4 is planning based on relational databases such as Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Azure SQL Database. Thus, cell comments are now also available there and data entry can be made dependent on cell conditions in SQL. Data entry becomes as convenient as it is known from OLAP applications: users can now also enter relative value changes, like “10%+”, and work with application-specific operators that automate the distribution of values, for example (provided that the stored procedures are extended accordingly on the project side). For all types of databases, the development of day-specific applications, for example for the DeltaApp, has become easier: through a central definition of the day level. And the PowerPoint add-in has also been enhanced: with an option for finer control of the overlaying of report components.

All features in detail
  • Graphical Table (relational): defininig conditions for links
  • Modeling: defining current period using user-defined expression with “Today” (Logic)
  • Modeling: defining day level (Logic)
  • Modeling (relational): referencing dimension members using variable in user-defined measures
  • Modeling (relational): modeling views created by DeltaMaster ETL using AutoModel
  • Planning (relational): defining conditions for input cells in Graphical Tables
  • Planning (relational): entering values using standard and application-specific operators
  • Planning (relational): reading and writing cell comments
  • PowerPoint Add-in: defining z-order using field codes

released on April 14th 2022

DeltaMaster 6.4.3 brings significant simplifications for building reports that dynamically adapt to the current period. Typical reporting rhythms, for example, the changeover of the reporting period on a certain key date, can now be formulated with simple, almost natural language expressions. When distributing reports with DeltaMaster Publisher, you can also use them to define report updates more easily and flexibly. Two specialties of DeltaMaster’s Graphical Tables can now be used in combination: table wrap and semantic zoom in sparklines. And the development of applications based on Microsoft Power BI is accelerated by automatisms for modeling the time dimension, which is incomplete in many Power BI datasets. DeltaMaster closes the gaps and maps time as required for professional applications.

All features in detail
  • General: using user-defined expressions as variables in names and captions
  • Filter Context: defining default selection in time dimension using user-defined expressions with “Today”
  • Graphical Table: using user-defined expressions in filter queries for time dimension (Settings, Filter)
  • Graphical Table: using semantic zoom in tables with table wrap
  • Graphical Table: cycling through scaling options using F12 key
  • Graphical Table: wrapping table using “Wrap” Magic Button
  • Microsoft Power BI: optionally creating virtual time dimension automatically when creating application
  • Modeling: maintaining technical member name patterns in time dimension (Level Properties)
  • Modeling: creating perspectives for measure groups automatically
  • Publisher: using user-defined expressions with “Today” in report update
  • Web Client: communication with DeltaMaster Service changed to ASP.NET Web API

released on April 13th 2022

DeltaMaster 6.4.2 provides a new analysis method: distribution analysis. It can be used to examine frequencies, create histograms and calculate statistical measures. The modeling of relational applications is even more flexible thanks to new expressions for dynamic time comparisons. The web-based online help is now context-sensitively linked to the user interface, making it even easier to use. Further improvements concern geo analysis, the repository and the web client.

All features in detail
  • Geo Analysis: view component updated
  • Help: web-based online help is context-sensitive
  • Help: opening web-based online help using standalone launch app
  • Modeling (relational): new user-defined expressions for time analysis members available – Descendants, Children, First, Last
  • Planning: new keyboard shortcuts for copying and moving value structures
  • Repository: anonymizing or pseudonymizing user names in logs
  • Distribution Analysis: available as new report type
  • Web Client: calculating sum, count, and average of selected cells in Graphical Tables

released on December 23th 2021

DeltaMaster 6.4.1 connects Bissantz and Microsoft Power BI, which can now be connected as a data source. With Amazon Redshift, DeltaMaster supports a widespread cloud-based data warehouse and with PostgreSQL another open source database system. Class boundaries can be defined in ABC analysis, which is used in risk analysis, among other things. And users in all roles are pleased with a new, web-based online help with full text search: the Bissantz Help Center.

All features in detail
  • Concentration Analysis: defining class boundaries between ABC classes
  • General: using web-based online help – the Bissantz Help Center
  • Mobile Report (relational): exporting mean values
  • Planning: adding user name and time stamp to report comments automatically
  • Repository: using local connection strings and table names when working with application subscriptions
  • Access to Amazon Redshift using ODBC driver
  • Access to Microsoft Power BI
  • Access to PostgreSQL using ODBC driver

released on October 15th 2021

DeltaMaster 6.4.0 improves the interaction with the Bissantz DashBoard. In relational applications, there are new possibilities to design reports dynamically and to unify the “look and feel” in planning.

All features in detail
  • Graphical Table (relational): defining starting period for sparklines using user-defined expression
  • Mobile Report: using technical table and column names for export
  • Mobile Report (relational): defining starting period for sparklines using user-defined expression
  • Planning (relational): coloring input cells gray in Graphical Tables
  • Repository: integrated Planning license for Repository Maintenance application
  • Maintenance dialog: activating or deactivating gray coloring for input cells in relational applications (Compatibility tab)

released on September 17th 2021

Version 6.3.9 improves support for Microsoft Azure, making it easier to develop business intelligence applications in the cloud. Microsoft Azure Analysis Services can now also be addressed directly, and authentication via Active Directory is possible for Microsoft Azure SQL Database. The expressions for dynamic calculations along the time dimension, which are very useful in relational applications, have become more powerful once again. Additional database connections, such as for writing back and comments in connection with planning, can now be viewed and edited in a central location.

All features in detail
  • Modeling (relational): using user-defined expressions for time analysis members in calculated members directly
  • Modeling (relational): new user-defined expressions for time analysis members available – first child, last child
  • Publisher: repeating job execution if application is locked
  • Repository: defining user group assignment rules in maintenance application
  • Maintenance Dialog: editing additional database connections
  • SQL Drill-Through: adjusting display column width in detail view dynamically
  • Access to Microsoft Azure Analysis Services
  • Access to Microsoft Azure SQL Database using Active Directory authentication

released on June 11th 2021

The current release presents itself with a redesigned portal and tiles that can also accommodate longer labels thanks to a second line. With Snowflake, another widely used relational data source is supported.

All features in detail
  • General: displaying DeltaMaster version number in title bar
  • Graphical Table: displaying line break in column header in quick view of web client
  • Mobile Report: exporting time span format of measures
  • Parent-Child Editor: defining selectability of drop-down list items using SQL query
  • Portal: new design
  • Access to Snowflake using ODBC driver

released on April 16th 2021

A number of improvements affect the display of sparklines. For example, intelligently indented guides increase readability and emphasize the integrable, comparable scaling. New data sources from Google and IBM can be connected. And in mobile reports, data can now be provided to the Bissantz DashBoard in incomplete hierarchies, as you often get from external sources (for example, market data for selected countries that add up to less than the total available for the world)

All features in detail
  • Export: avoiding to open export documents automatically
  • Export: “Generating” preset as standard export method in new installations
  • Graphical Table: dynamically labeling line sparklines
  • Graphical Table: displaying line sparklines comparably with grid lines
  • Graphical Table: displaying line sparklines using raster
  • Graphical Table: drawing column graphics space-savingly
  • Graphical Table: omitting days without data in sparklines
  • Graphical Table (relational): extending sparklines beyond current period using plan or forecast data
  • Mobile Report: assigning aliases to columns
  • Mobile Report: exporting incomplete hierarchy with pre-aggregated All member
  • Modeling (relational): referencing report filter in user-defined time expressions
  • Modeling (relational): displaying unrelated dimension in filter bar if referenced by variable
  • Publish: uploading job result to Bissantz Service (distribution type “bissantzservice”)
  • Access to Google BigQuery using Magnitude Simba ODBC driver
  • Access to IBM Cognos TM1 (IBM Planning Analytics) in cloud environment

released on March 22th 2021

The current release expands the options for working with relational data. DeltaMaster now supports interfaces for direct access to Salesforce. This allows relational applications to be created with Salesforce data without having to extract it first. Support for tabular models in Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services has been enhanced to allow procedure calls when SQL is traversed. And creating mobile reports for the Bissantz DashBoard has become even easier with a new Magic Button organization that automatically checks the combination of comparisons.

All features in detail
  • General: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 required
  • Graphical Table: referencing user name in external links using variables (@@User, @@Current_User)
  • Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services: configuring „Real Time Olap“ property per report (Report Properties)
  • Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services: attaching relational model for Tabular Models
  • Mobile Report: naming dashboards after parent folders when exporting nested folders
  • Mobile Report: Magic Buttons simplified
  • Mobile Report: checking reasonable combination of comparisons
  • Modeling (relational): showing and hiding values for unrelated dimensions and levels („Ignore Unrelated Dimensions“; Measure Properties)
  • Repository: editing application description in Maintenance Application
  • Repository: reviewing application, folder, and report rights in Maintenance Application
  • SQL Drill-Through: referencing user name in external links using variables (@@User, @@Current_User)
  • Access to Salesforce using Simba ODBC driver

released on February 15th 2021

An extension of the role model facilitates “self-service” in the business departments: Report editors can edit reports and analyses; modeling of key figures, hierarchies and other similar things is reserved for application editors. An additional cache accelerates OLAP applications. Planning applications used via the web browser run faster thanks to Quick View, which now also allows data to be entered. And editing mobile reports in DeltaMaster is more oriented to the presentation in the app, the Bissantz DashBoard.

All features in detail
  • General: using cache for MDX queries (Options/System)
  • General: optionally displaying main menu bar permanently (AppSettings)
  • Help: retrieving articles from Bissantz Research blog (in German version of online help)
  • Mobile Report: displaying history and exporting history data, if cumulation and reference values of variances are provided by means of measures
  • Mobile Report: grouping columns as displayed in DashBoard app
  • Mobile Report: defining start view for display in DashBoard app
  • Mobile Report (relational): providing cumulation and reference values of variances by means of measures
  • Multiples: exporting report in web client
  • Multiples: applying filter to all sub-reports in web client
  • Multiples: using value from a sub-report to filter the other sub-reports in web client
  • Multiples: using value from an SQL Drill-Through sub-report to filter the other sub-reports
  • Planning: executing external processing of planning data using link (target type: Database Command)
  • Planning: entering data in quick view of Graphical Tables in web client
  • Planning: entering values using application-specific operators
  • Repository: new role available, to separate editing and modeling (Report Editor/Application Editor)
  • SQL Drill-Through: reverting and restoring report operations using undo/redo function
  • SQL Drill-Through: starting data input using double-click
  • SQL Drill-Through: entering text in editor window
  • Webclient: Microsoft Edge Legacy (not based on Chromium) no longer supported

Bissantz Bild

Bissantz Bild

Bissantz Bild

Bissantz Bild

Bissantz Bild

Bissantz Bild
Bissantz Bild