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GI Innovation Award 2007

German Informatics Society (GI) awarded Dr. Nicolas Bissantz the 2007 Innovation Award for his work with management information at the organization’s annual convention in Bremen, Germany.

The jury consisting of prominent professors for computer science and business information systems prized the assortment of multiple patent-pending techniques for analyzing and visualizing business, technical, and statistical data.

Pattern recognition and contextual visualizations

Bissantz explains: “Our approach combines the ability of modern computers to explore large volumes of data with the unsurpassed talent of human beings to intuitively recognize and evaluate patterns.This synergy opens up a new world of possibilities in how we work with information. We can uncover really important facts much more quickly. Since visualization is in tune with context, we can see everything we need to interpret these numbers correctly, for example, development over time or the composition of different variables.”

New analyzes and visualizations

With its annually awarded innovation prize, GI honors hands-on innovations and patented inventions in the realm of computer science. “The patent-pending innovations developed by Dr. Nicolas Bissantz offer a whole new way to analyze and visualize information,” emphasized Professor Matthias Jarke, President of GI, in his appraisal of the award-winning entry. “Many users have already taken the leap from classical reporting to modern, knowledge-based management. The high level of customer acceptance demonstrates the value of this innovation.”

The 2007 Innovation Prize was awarded on 26 September 2007, as part of Computer Science Day, the focal point of GI’s annual, four-day convention in Bremen, Germany.

“It is a great honor to win a prize from an institution like GI,” exclaimed Bissantz, founder and Managing Director of Bissantz & Company, in his acceptance speech. “Science and practice go hand in hand and this symbiosis has had a significant influence on our business development.”

Nicolas Bissantz

Diagramme im Management

Besser entscheiden mit der richtigen Visualisierung von Daten

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