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Caesarians' new chart

Today, there are more Caesarians than years ago. A whole lot more. Says the German newspaper “SZ”. Because senior college graduates don’t want to suffer. Because parents think that a birthday on 2012-12-12 is funny. Because of other things, too. That is bad, says “SZ”. Because the brain isn’t fully developed. Have a look.

Source: The German newspaper “Süddeutsche Zeitung”, 2014-03-17, page 16 (online). I put it together.

The bigger the red circle, the less births. In other words: bad, because less children are born on these days. The bigger the blue circle, the more births. In other words: bad, because more children are born on these days as nature wants.

Small circle for less, big circle for more – that would have been easier for me to understand.