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There is a new magazine. For economy and stuff. BILANZ (in German only). In it, there was this bubbling water spout. Have a look.

Profitability of the various business segments of Thyssen-Krupp. Source: Bilanz, May 2014, page 14.
Profitability of the various business segments of Thyssen-Krupp.
Source: The magazine “Bilanz”, May 2014, page 14.

Looked closer. With pleasure. Because eyes love it colorful. Though I didn’t like reading it. Have a look. Back and forth. Between numbers and numbers, colors and legend, numbers and headline, headline and headline. Stressful.

Source: me, with paw scan for my personal eye tracking.

Maybe economy is stressful, if it must be funny? And would be funnier, if it weren’t that stressful?