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Are you a controlling superstar?

Do you master color scales in reports? Test your knowledge on colors and the right way to convey numbers.

Your supervisory board wants a report on the stance in Europe toward the free trade agreement TTIP. You have used a map of Europe to visualize the percentages of supporters by country. Which color scale would you choose?

a) I use traffic-light colors with red for the countries with the most opponents, yellow for the mid-range values, and green for the most supporters.
Color scales: Traffic Light Colors
b) I use different intensities of red. The less support, the darker the red.
Color scales: Intensities of red
c) I use different intensities of blue. The more support, the darker the blue.
Color scales: Intensities of blue
Psst! Please keep your answer to yourself. Send me an email and I will send you the correct answer along with the latest research findings on using colors in management reporting.


Nicolas Bissantz

Diagramme im Management

Besser entscheiden mit der richtigen Visualisierung von Daten

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